Adding Objects

As a developer and object designer, or as an administrator user, you can add objects in multiple ways and from several areas in the user interface. The only property that is mandatory to be able to save an object on the database is its name. Once saved, you can define all other properties at a later point in time.

Most objects can be created in any Client. However, some can be created in Client 0 only, for example, Agent Client Assignments (HSTA) and Clients.

Tip: You may need to work with many objects, lists and monitors simultaneously. To make your work easier, you can open them in different browser windows and arrange them side by side on your screen. For more information about this and other useful functions, see Opening and Arranging Multiple Views.

This page includes the following:

Naming Rules for Objects

Using consistent naming conventions helps you identify objects when establishing dependencies, designing Workflows, and so forth. Consider the following naming rules when creating objects:

  • Maximum name length: 200 characters


    • Time Zone objects: eight characters only
    • Clients: four digits
    • Agents and Agent Groups: 32 characters
  • Allowed characters:

    • A–Z
    • 0–9
    • $ @ _ - . #

Before you start creating objects, have a look at Best Practices: Naming Conventions.

Adding Objects in the Process Assembly Perspective

  1. You have two options:

    • Right-click anywhere on the list and select Add > Add Object.
    • Click the Add Object button on the toolbar
  2. On the Add Object dialog, start typing the type of object you want to create in the Search field.

  3. Click the Add button. The Object Name dialog is displayed.

    Important! When creating Client objects (CLNT), the dialog differs a little. Instead of an object name you enter the Client number, which can be a number from 1 through 9999. Client 0 is reserved for the system Client. Only an administrator user of the system Client (Client 0) can add or edit other Client objects.

  4. Enter a descriptive Name.

  5. Optionally, enter a short and descriptive Title that helps you recognize the purpose of the object. For more information, see Name, Title, and Alias.

  6. Click OK. A new page opens where you can start with the object definitions.

  7. Define the object properties. All Automic Automation objects have a common set of properties as well as object-type-specific properties.

    These are the common object properties:

    These are the properties that are specific to executable objects:

Adding Objects in the Administration Perspective

As an administrator user, you can create User (USER), User Groups (USRG), Clients, Agents (HOST), and Service Level Objective (SLO) objects also in the Administration perspective. Right-click an empty space on the list or select the toolbar button to open the Add <object type> dialog. Then, start defining the object.

Adding Objects from a Combo Box

When you are defining an object, you sometimes want to assign another object to it. For example, you assign Agents or Login objects to Jobs. You select those objects from combo boxes. If the combo box does not contain the object that you need, you can create it directly from the combo box.

  1. Expand the combo box and select Add Object.
  2. The Add Object dialog opens up.
  3. Define the object as usual.

For more information, see Using AWI Combo Boxes.

Next Steps

  1. Define the general settings, available for all objects.

    They are parameters that are not specific to a particular object type, but that can be defined for all. You enter them in the following object definition pages:

    Executable objects have the following extra pages:

  2. Define the object-specific pages.

See also: