Viewing the Jobstream Details - Jobs

{"URL":["Context URL: /aai/web/v2/jobstreams/*/jobs"],"heroDescriptionIdentifier":"ice_description_jobstreram_definitions_jobs_intro","customCards":[{"id":"ice_jd_defs_details_jobs_working_with_this_tab","title":"Working with the Jobs Tab","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/Jobstreams_Definitions_Details_Jobs.htm"},{"id":"ice_START_JOB_conceptual","title":"About Start Jobs","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/Jobstreams_StartJob.htm"},{"id":"ice_set_START_JOB","title":"Setting Start Jobs","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/Jobstreams_StartJob.htm"},{"id":"ice_TRIMMING_conceptual","title":"About Trimming Jobstreams","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/Jobstreams_Trimming.htm"},{"id":"ice_difference_trimming_startjobs","title":"Difference Between Setting the Start Job and Trimming","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/Jobstreams_StartJob.htm"}]}
view jobstream definition

As an AAI jobstream administrator or business area coordinator, when working with a jobstream you may need to drill down into its properties to understand how the jobstream configuration might be affecting its performance. You access the jobstream configuration details from the Jobstream Definitions list by clicking the name of the jobstream. When you open the details of a jobstream from the Jobstream Definitions list, a page opens the shows all you need to know about the jobstream in one place. This page contains four tabs, Basic Information, Jobs, Run Details and Alerts.

The Jobs tab shows all the jobs in the jobstream. It provides links to the details of each job and of its parent and parentage. If specific start jobs and/or trimming points have been defined for the jobstream, they are also displayed here.

Jobs in Jobstreams

The columns in the Jobs in Jobstreams list show the properties of each job in the jobstream. Most of them are scheduler-specific. Please refer to the underlying automation engine product documentation for information about specific job parameters. For Broadcom schedulers, you can find the product documentation here.

However, some of the columns are AAI-specific and always available. We describe them here:

  • Job Name

    Name of the job as defined in its scheduler. This is a link. Click it to open the job details.

  • Scheduler

    Automation engine where the job actually runs.

  • Machine Name

    Name of the computer where the scheduler is installed.

  • Parent

    The parent of a job in a jobstream is the container object where that job runs. For example, the parent of a job in AutoSys is called a BOX; in Automic Automation it could be a Workflow or a Schedule. Not all schedulers use this type of container job, so this parameter is available only for schedulers where the container concept applies.

    This is a link. Click it to open the job details.

  • Parentage

    Fully qualified path from the root object all the way down to a particular job. It lets you uniquely identify the job. This information is extremely important for schedulers that allow jobs to run more than once in multiple contexts (from different places and in multiple jobstreams). The parentage identifies the exact instance of the job. IWS, ESP, Tidal and Automic Automation allow jobs to run multiple times in different contexts. AutoSys does not allow this, therefore, in AutoSys parent and parentage are always the same.

    This is a link. Click it to open the job details.

  • Status

    Status of the job in the scheduler.

  • Job Type

    Type of job, which is scheduler-specific.

  • Most Recent Run

    Start and end times of the latest run of the jobstream. If the jobstream is still running, a clock icon is displayed before the timestamp indicating that this field displays the predicted end time.

  • Next Predicted Run

    Based on AAI's calculations, predicted start and end time of the job's next run.

You can add and remove columns in this list as well as export the data that you have filtered and are viewing currently to a CSV file.


view start job of a jobstream

By default, when a jobstream is added to the system, AAI determines that the jobstream starting point (that is, the job that triggers the jobstream run) is the target job's earliest predecessor. However, this automatically designated first job might not be the actual start of the process that the jobstream should monitor. This is why jobstream administrators can define one or more start jobs that are different to the one designated by AAI.

The job names are links that open the job details page.


remove unwanted jobs from a jobstream

When editing jobstreams, jobstream administrators can optimize AAI's calculations and predictions by removing unwanted predecessors for the target job. By unwanted predecessors we mean jobs which execution is not relevant for the outcome of the SLA. AAI provides an auto-trim function that removes them.

If the auto-trim function is enabled for the jobstream, this section shows the following:

  • Jobs where a trim point has been defined

  • Auto-trim option used

  • Values that have been configured for trimming the jobstream

  • Run frequency ratio, which is the number of times that the job runs in comparison to each run of the target job. For example, if the target job runs once a day and this job runs every hour, the run frequency would be 24.0.

See also: