Viewing the Jobstream Details - Basic Information

{"URL":["/aai/web/v2/jobstreams/*/basic"],"heroDescriptionIdentifier":"ice_jobstream_details_basic_information_intro","customCards":[{"id":"ice_description_jobstreram_definitions_basic_information","title":"Basic Information","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/Jobstreams_Definitions_Details_BasicInfo.htm"},{"id":"ice_jobstream_details_basic_information_run_history","title":"Run History","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/Jobstreams_Definitions_Details_BasicInfo.htm"},{"id":"ice_jobstream_details_basic_information_active_alerts","title":"Active Alert Settings","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/Jobstreams_Definitions_Details_BasicInfo.htm"},{"id":"ice_Types_of_Alerts","title":"Types of Alerts","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/Jobstreams_Adding_Editing_Alerts.htm"}]}

As an AAI jobstream administrator or business area coordinator, when working with a jobstream you may need to drill down into its properties to understand how the jobstream configuration might be affecting its performance. You access the jobstream configuration details from the Jobstream Definitions list by clicking the name of the jobstream. When you open the details of a jobstream from the Jobstream Definitions list, a page opens the shows all you need to know about the jobstream in one place. This page contains four tabs, Basic Information, Jobs, Run Details and Alerts. This topic explains the Basic Information tab.


The times displayed on these tabs are based on your user preferences for the time zone.


The BASIC INFORMATION tab provides data about the structure, design and properties of the jobstream.

  • Name

    Name of the jobstream.

  • Scheduler

    Name of the scheduler that the target job runs on. If you have the necessary access rights to the scheduler, the name is a link that opens a dialog with the scheduler details. Otherwise, it is a read-only scheduler name.

  • Total Jobs

    Number of jobs in the jobstream, that is, the jobs that lead all the way through from the target job upwards until the first job in the processing chain.

  • Target Job

    Name of the jobstream's target job. The target job is the endpoint in the jobstream against which you track an SLA. The name is a link that opens the job details page of the target job. Mouseover the target job name to display a tooltip that shows the parentage of the target job. For more information, see Job Details (Web Interface).


    This field is available only if the target job is in a CA7 scheduler. This field displays the SCHID (schedule ID) of the scheduler where the target job resides.

  • Avg End Time

    The average end time of the target job based on historical runs.

  • Avg Duration

    The average duration of the jobstream is based on historical runs.

  • Late Criterion

    late criterion,late criterion calculation,calculate late criterion

    This is the time when AAI considers this jobstream to be late. It also indicates what method the late criterion calculation is based on.

    AAI provides the following options to determine when a jobstream is considered to be late:

    • System-Calculated Late Criterion

      Time as of which AAI considers the jobstream to be late. This is the default.

      AAI calculates the late criterion automatically and uses the best calculation method based on the historical data that it has collected in its database. However, it is possible to override it when defining the jobstream by specifying a different way to calculate it.

    • End Time (user supplied)

      End time specified by the user when defining the jobstream. As of this time, the jobstream is considered to be late.

    • Fixed duration (user-supplied)

      How long the jobstream can execute before AAI considers it to be late. AAI displays the average duration (and the standard deviation) for the jobstream based on the historical data contained in its database.

  • Business Areas

    Business area(s) to which the jobstream is assigned. If there are more than one, the business areas are separated by commas.

  • Description

    If available, this is the text that describes the jobstream as specified in the jobstream definition.


The RUN HISTORY section gives you a high-level overview of the history of the jobstream runs:

  • Most Recent Run

    Start and end times of the latest run of the jobstream. If the jobstream is still running, a clock icon is displayed before the timestamp indicating that this field displays the predicted end time. This is also a link to the Gantt chart view for the run. For more information, see The Gantt View for a Jobstream Run (Web Interface).

  • Earliest Run

    Date, start time and completion time of the first run of this jobstream. This is also a link to the Gantt chart view for the run. For more information, see The Gantt View for a Jobstream Run (Web Interface).

  • Recorded Runs

    Number of jobstream runs that are available in AAI's database for this jobstream.

  • Run Frequency

    How often this jobstream runs.

  • Included Run History

    Number of days that AAI includes for its calculations. If this value indicates Server Default, this means that this is the value of the server parameter for this setting. If it indicates User Defined, this means that the default is overwritten by the value that the jobstream administrator specified when adding/editing the jobstream. For more information, see Configuring the Jobstream Hierarchy.


Part of the jobstream definition consists of configuring the alerts that AAI should issue as soon as it detects that the timely completion of the jobstream is jeopardized. AAI provides various types of alerts:; all of them include detailed information about the jobstream run.

The table in the ACTIVE ALERT SETTINGS section of this dialog displays the alerts that AAI has issued for this jobstream:

  • Type

    The type of alert can be Late, Back on Track, Not Predicted to Finish, Exceeded SLA, Checkpoint, Complete, Started, Target Job Started, Not Started.

  • Severity

    Each alert type has a specific severity (Critical, Major, Normal and Minor).

  • SNMP

    AAI can send SNMP messages to other applications in the environment. A tick in the corresponding cell indicates that the jobstream is configured to send SNMP messages.

  • Email

    A tick in the corresponding cell indicates that the jobstream is configured to send email messages.

  • Notes

    • For Late alerts, the Notes column describes the options used to configure this type of alerts.

    • For Checkpoint alerts, the Notes column mentions the jobstream completion percentages that have been defined to send the alerts.

Below the table, AAI provides additional alert configuration details, such as time zone, time restrictions for sending the messages, and so forth.

For more information, see Configuring Alerts in Jobstreams

See also: