Job Details (Web Interface)

As an AAI operator or jobstream administrator, when a jobstream does not behave as expected, you can go a level deeper into its jobs to investigate what is causing the problem. If a job is failing or running much longer than it normally does, you can look into the job definition or the run parameters that might be affecting its execution. Since every job in the system is continuously predicted, AAI provides both accurate real-time information on the job runs and comprehensive historical data.

When investigating a job, you find all the information you need about its definition, design and runs (durations, average duration, history and so forth) on two pages:

  • All Jobs list

  • Job-specific details that you access from the All Jobs list

With this information you can identify job design flaws that might be causing it to behave in an unexpected way.

Important !

The job details are valuable only in the context of a jobstream. The job details provide the zoom-in capability from a broader context (the jobstream) to the specifics.

All the properties and execution statistics for a job are covered on the following tab pages:

Accessing the Job Details

You have many ways of accessing the details of a job:

  • From the All Jobs list

    1. Open AAI's web interface.

    2. Select Jobs from the left navigation pane. The All Jobs list displays all the jobs available in your system.

    3. Click the entry in the Job Name, Parent or Parentage columns. They are links that open the details of the corresponding jobs.

  • By performing a search for the job from the global search at the top of the screen. You can enter either the complete name of the job or part of it. The dropdown list displays the jobs that match your term.

  • From the Jobstream Definitions list by clicking the Target Job link. This opens the details of the jobstream's target job.

  • From the Jobstream Runs - Grid view by clicking the Target Job link. This opens the details of the jobstream's target job.

  • From the Jobs tab on the jobstream details page by clicking the job name link in the Jobs in Jobstream list.

  • From the Gantt Chart view for a jobstream run, by clicking the job name in the Jobstream Tree.

See also: