Jobs List (Web Interface)

The All Jobs list is the one-stop shop where you can get all the details about every job in your system. From this list you start investigating why a job fails or runs longer than expected. The list itself provides comprehensive information about the configuration of the job. Each row in the list is a job, and the job name is a link that opens the job details. With the information from the list and from the job details you have the complete picture about the configuration of the job. If it has errors that are having an impact on a jobstream run, you can discover them here. Based on the result of your investigation, you can then suggest job design improvements that positively affect the job and, ultimately, the jobstream runs.


Since every job in the system is continuously predicted, AAI provides both accurate real-time information on the job runs and comprehensive historical data.

The columns in the All Jobs list depend on the type of job and on the scheduler where it runs. We do not provide a description of all these columns here, as you will probably be familiar with them from your work with the corresponding scheduler. Among the many columns of job data that you can see on the All Jobs list, the following are most common data columns for all scheduler types:

  • Job Name

    Name of the job as defined in its scheduler. This is a link. Click it to open the job details.

  • Scheduler

    Automation engine where the job actually runs.

  • Machine Name

    Name of the computer where the scheduler is installed.

  • Parent

    The parent of a job in a jobstream is the container object where that job runs. For example, the parent of a job in AutoSys is called a BOX; in Automic Automation it could be a Workflow or a Schedule. Not all schedulers use this type of container job, so this parameter is available only for schedulers where the container concept applies.

    This is a link. Click it to open the job details.

  • Parentage

    Fully qualified path from the root object all the way down to a particular job. It lets you uniquely identify the job. This information is extremely important for schedulers that allow jobs to run more than once in multiple contexts (from different places and in multiple jobstreams). The parentage identifies the exact instance of the job. IWS, ESP, Tidal and Automic Automation allow jobs to run multiple times in different contexts. AutoSys does not allow this, therefore, in AutoSys parent and parentage are always the same.

    This is a link. Click it to open the job details.

  • Status

    Status of the job in the scheduler.

  • Job Type

    Type of job, which is scheduler-specific.

  • Most Recent Run

    Start and end times of the latest run of the jobstream. If the jobstream is still running, a clock icon is displayed before the timestamp indicating that this field displays the predicted end time.

  • Next Predicted Run

    Based on AAI's calculations, predicted start and end time of the job's next run.

Please refer to the underlying automation engine product documentation for information about specific job parameters. For Broadcom schedulers, you can find the product documentation here.

You can add and remove columns in this list. For more information see The Column Selector.

Filtering Jobs

Filtering jobs allows you to customize the data displayed in the All Jobs list to better suit your needs. On this page, you can apply the following job filter attributes:

  • Job Name
  • Job Type
  • Machine
  • Parentage
  • Scheduler
  • Status

You can also define further filter parameters for each attribute to narrow down the list even more. The parameters available in the dropdown menu are directly related to the attribute that you have selected. In the All Jobs page, all filter attributes relate to text fields. As such, all filter parameters available refer to text searches:

  • Equals
  • Not equals
  • Contains
  • Does not contain
  • Starts with
  • Does not start with
  • Ends with
  • Does not end with


You can add multiple attributes to your filter; they are put together as AND conditions, which means all conditions must be true. You can also add more than one filter parameter for each attribute. These values are put together as OR conditions, which means any criteria can be true.

For more information on how to define and apply filter attributes and filter parameters in the AAI web interface, see Using Filters (Web Interface).

See also: