Three Views of Jobstream Run Details

When you open the details of a jobstream from the Jobstream Definitions list, a page opens the shows all you need to know about the jobstream in one place. This page contains four tabs, Basic Information, Jobs, Run Details and Alerts.

what are the run details, what are jobstream run details

The Run Details tab helps you discover which runs of the jobstream that you are monitoring or analyzing are failing. It contains three views to show the relationship of the overall jobstream run in relation to past, current, and predicted runs. This provides you with a condensed summary of the jobstream runs at and around a significant milestone. You can then drill down to the Gantt chart view of a specific run to see its execution details, including its critical path and dependencies.

differences between run details views, difference between actual and relative to SLA graphs

The three jobstream run views are the following:

  • Actual

    This view gives you a real-time overview of the status of jobstream runs in relation to the current time, which allows you to check the current health of the jobstream. The current time is marked by the Now flag that runs vertically down the timeline chart. For more information, see Jobstreams Run Details - Actual.

  • Relative to SLA

    This view gives you an overview of the status of jobstream runs in relation to the SLA deadline for each run. This allows you not only to check the SLA compliance of the jobstream in recent and predicted runs but also to view the SLA compliance for a specific time range, including within historical run data. For more information, see Jobstreams Run Details - Relative to SLA.

  • SLA Graph

    This view gives you both a graphical and tabular overview of the jobstream runs and their performance in relation to their SLA. The graphic at the top shows the duration or end times for all the jobstream runs in relation to the SLA deadline time. The table below contains jobstream details that are relevant to understanding how the runs perform against the jobstream's SLA. For more information, see Jobstreams Run Details - SLA Graph.

Accessing the Jobstream Run Detail View

opening run details for a jobstream, opening run details graphs for a jobstream,

You can access the jobstream Run Details view from various summary pages that list jobstream runs:

  1. In the left navigation pane select one of the following:

  2. In the resulting view, click the name of the jobstream that you are interested in. (It is highlighted in blue because it is a link.)

  3. On the jobstream detail page, open the Run Details tab.

    It opens on the Actual view. You can switch to one of the other views with the buttons for Relative to SLA and SLA Graph .

Filtering the Jobstream Run Details

filtering run details views

Applying filters allows you to narrow down the data displayed in the Run Details tab views to allow you to focus on the jobstream runs that you are interested in. The filter attributes (criteria) that you select apply to all three views of the run details of all jobstreams. So, when you change filter attributes on one view and then switch to another view or open a different jobstream, the most recently selected filter attributes apply throughout.

On the Run Details tab views, you can apply Date Range and Status filter attributes.

  • The Date Range attribute is always set and displayed by default because pulling up the enormous amount of historical run data in the AAI database is impractical and rarely necessary. By default, the date range is set to show the runs of only the last 7 days to the next 1 day.You can choose a time range with a greater or fewer number of days or you can specify specific start and end dates.

  • The Status attribute allows you to filter jobstream runs according to their final run status. For example, you can filter to see only the early or late jobstream runs. Note that depending on the state of the run (complete, running, or predicted) the final run status is an actual, forecasted, or predicted status.

For more information on how to define and apply filter attributes and filter parameters in the AAI web interface, see Using Filters (Web Interface).

See also: