Viewing Jobstream Definitions

The Jobstream Definitions list displays the jobstreams in your system that you are authorized to work with. As a jobstream administrator or business area coordinator, you use this list to get a high-level overview of the jobstreams in your system. It provides key data about the definition of the jobstreams (scheduler, target job, parent, total of jobs, and so forth) and of their runs (average duration, start and end times, standard deviations, and so forth).

The name of the jobstreams, jobs and runs in this list are links that bring you to detailed lists, views and charts. This means that from the overview provided on this list you can zoom in into every detail of the jobstreams, their individual jobs and their runs.

Jobstream Definitions List

The columns in the list provide the most important data about each jobstream at a glance.

  • Name

    Name of the jobstream. It is a link that opens the jobstream details page.

  • Scheduler

    Underlying scheduler where the jobs in the jobstream actually run. This column is always visible and you cannot hide it.

  • Target Job

    The target job is the end point in the jobstream. It is the end job against which you track an SLA. It is typically a job that you consider critical to your business: either the job needs to finish by a particular time, or it is critical to your environment in some other way. AAI automatically creates historical views of the jobstream by tracing the upstream dependencies of the target job. It is used as criterion to determine lateness; if the target job is late or predicted to be late, alerts are triggered.

    The value here is a link that opens the details of the target job. For more information, see Job Details (Web Interface).

    (For AutoSys integrations using eEM) where AAI is also configured to use eEM for AutoSys: If you do not have rights to see the target job, the Job Details page is displayed but most of the job properties are not visible. However, you can see the predecessor, successor, and so forth).

  • Parent

    The parent of a job in a jobstream is the container object where that job runs. For example, the parent of a job in AutoSys is called a BOX; in Automic Automation it could be a Workflow or a Schedule. Not all schedulers use this type of container job, so this parameter is available only for schedulers where the container concept applies.

    The value here is a link that opens the details of the target job. For more information, see Job Details (Web Interface).

    (For AutoSys integrations using eEM) where AAI is also configured to use eEM for AutoSys: If you do not have rights to see the target job, the Job Details page is displayed but most of the job properties are not visible. However, you can see the predecessor, successor, and so forth).

  • Total Jobs

    How many jobs are part of the jobstream. Not all of these jobs necessarily run with every jobstream run. This means that this number can be different for different jobstream runs. This number helps you have a high-level understanding of the complexity of the jobstream.

  • Business Areas

    Business area to which this jobstream is assigned. If in more than one, all the business areas where the jobstream run happens are displayed here separated by a comma.

    Business areas are organizational categories that reflect the structure of your business. Jobstreams are assigned to business areas. Business areas are assigned to users. This means that in addition to organizing processes logically as needed in your business, business areas give you easy access to the data you need for your daily work. Business areas also facilitate many other essential functions related to jobstreams, such as filtering, managing alerts, defining processing cycles and many more.

    For more information, see Business Areas.

  • Most recent run times: MRR Start Time and MRR End Time

    MRR,most recent runtimes

    Start and end times of the latest run of the jobstream. If the jobstream is still running, we have a start time but we do not have an end time yet. In this case, a clock icon is displayed before the time stamp indicating that this field displays the predicted end time.

    The MRR Start Time is a link that opens the Gantt chart view for the run. For more information, see The Gantt View for a Jobstream Run (Web Interface).

  • Average Duration

    average duration

    AAI calculates and keeps averages for both jobs and jobstreams. This is the average duration of the jobstream, which is calculated based on the average durations of its jobs and considering all the jobstream runs so far.

  • Average End Time

    average end time

    AAI calculates and keeps averages for both jobs and jobstreams. This is the average end time of the jobstream, which is calculated based on the average end times of its jobs and considering all the jobstream runs so far.

  • Description

    If the jobstream definition contains a description, it is displayed here.

  • Earliest Historical Run Start Time (EHR Start Time)

    Date, start time and completion time of the first run of this jobstream.

  • Late Time

    late time

    This is the time in HH:MM:SS that the jobstream run is ahead or behind the time stipulated in the SLA. Negative numbers indicate early ends. Positive numbers indicate late times.

    Jobstream administrators specify the SLA when defining jobstreams on the SLA tab of the Add/Edit Jobstream dialog. For more information, see Configuring Jobstreams: Defining the SLA.

  • Late Time Based On

    When jobstream administrators add jobstreams to the system, they specify the calculation method that AAI should use to determine when a jobstream run is late. The calculation method is displayed here. For more information, see Configuring Jobstreams: Defining the SLA.

  • Number of Runs

    Number of times that this jobstream has run so far.


    The higher the number of runs, the more reliable statistics like averages and deviations from averages are.

  • Parentage

    Fully qualified path from the root object all the way down to the target job. The parentage lets you uniquely identify the jobstream. This information is extremely important for schedulers that allow jobs to run more than once in multiple contexts (from different places and in multiple jobstreams). The parentage identifies the exact instance of the job. IWS, ESP, Tidal and Automic Automation allow jobs to run multiple times in different contexts. AutoSys does not allow this, therefore, in AutoSys parent and parentage are always the same.

  • Run Frequency

    How often the jobstream runs. This information is provided by AAI's statistics generator and it gives you an insight about the nature of the jobstream (if it is an intra-day jobstream, a daily one, a weekly one, etc.).


    Only relevant if the jobstream runs on a CA7 environment. This is the CA7 ID.


The times on this list are displayed in the time zone that you have set in your user preferences.

Narrowing Down Your Focus

This list contains all the jobstreams that you are authorized to work with. It is important that you configure the list so that you can narrow down its contents to what is really relevant for you. For this purpose you use the filter function at the top left of the list.

For more information, see Using Filters (Web Interface).

Working with Jobstreams

If you have the necessary authorizations, you can add new and edit existing jobstreams.

Adding and Editing Jobstreams

To Add a Jobstream

Click the + Add new Jobstream button in the toolbar. For more information, see Adding and Editing Jobstreams.

To Edit a Jobstream

  1. Do one of the following

    • The names of the jobstreams are links that open their details. Open the details of the jobstream that you want to edit and click the Edit Jobstream button in the toolbar.

      The Edit Jobstream dialog is displayed, where you can modify the jobstream attributes.

    • Click the three-dot, vertical ellipsis next to the jobstream name to open the actions menu, and select one of the Edit options. The Edit Jobstream dialog opens to the corresponding tab. Although the options open the jobstream dialog to different tabs, once the dialog is open, you edit the values on any of the tabs.

      For more information, see:

Deleting Jobstreams

Jobstreams are the core AAI objects, therefore, deleting them is available only to authorized users. If you have the necessary rights, you can delete jobstreams as follows:

  • Click the name of the jobstream to open the Edit Jobstream dialog on the Basic Information tab, and click the Delete Jobstream button in the bottom left corner of the tab page.

  • Click the three-dot, vertical ellipsis next to the jobstream name to open the actions menu and select Delete Jobstream.

  • Deleting jobstreams is irreversible. Once deleted, you cannot restore it. However, you can recreate it anytime.

  • The JBOSS server audit log file contains information about the delete process.

See also: