Search and Filter Options (Web Interface)

filters, filtering, differences between filter and search, ways to filter

AAI offers several ways to search for objects in its extensive database. They are a global job name search, a standard filter feature for any list or table, and an advanced search that filters based on any job or execution property. Each way is useful for different purposes. All of them have built in assist features to simplify your search and insure that your search criteria is valid. As you work with AAI, you will find each of the options helpful while working through your various tasks. This topic gives you an overview of each of the search features, where you can use them, what kind of search they offer, and how they help you find what you are looking for.

filters, job search, global job search

The global job search:

  • This search function is available from the main title bar on every page.

  • It allows you to find a job and open its job details from anywhere in AAI.

  • The global search searches for job names that contain the string of text that you enter. Even as you type the first characters, the search begins and finds matches of job names that contains that string of characters. As you continue to type, the list of suggested names is narrowed accordingly.

  • For information, see Searching for Jobs (Web Interface).

filters, filtering, standard filters, about filtering

Standard filters:

  • Almost every page with a list of objects and every table in AAI offers a standard filter function that you open by clicking a filter icon in its toolbar or toolbox.

  • When you open the filter, it offers you a number of relevant attributes that you can filter on. Typically, these are key fields for the object or list that you are viewing, as well as other interesting fields.

  • Depending on the data type of the attribute, you can select the values that you either want to include or exclude from your filtered results.

  • The list on the page or table is filtered accordingly, and you can scroll through the pages of matching rows. At the bottom of the list, you see a precise count of how many rows match your filter.

  • The standard filter function assists you in your search in the following ways:

    • By offering only attributes that are relevant to the objects on the current page and only the relevant parameters to the data type of the attributes makes defining filter criteria simple and error-free.

    • By presenting the most relevant attributes for filtering, the filter can return results quickly.

    • With a few clicks, you can easily revise the filter as you work through your inquiries.

  • For information, see Using Filters (Web Interface).

filters, advanced search, advanced filters, advanced filtering, about advanced search, about advanced filtering, what is advanced search

The advanced search:

  • The advanced search is available on the Jobs page, and from the Global Job Search field anywhere in AAI.

  • You use the advanced search to filter the list that you are viewing by complex criteria based on any job property. This includes properties of the job definition and job run properties and statistics, regardless of whether they are common to all jobs in AAI or scheduler-specific.

  • The advanced search offers two methods of defining even the most complex filters convenient and attainable for many levels of technical understanding.

    The advanced search offers two methods of defining complex filters to suit different preferences, goals, and technical skills.

    • A filter builder enables you to construct complex filter criteria by selecting job properties from a comprehensive list of valid properties, then choosing the criteria and values appropriate and relevant for that property. You add as many criteria as you want, connecting them with AND or OR logical relationships.

    • A query builder allows you to enter a query in a simple query language. As you type, you are aided with suggestions for the next property or value to simplify creating valid query statements.

    • Both methods are supported with aids to prompt and guide you to providing valid filter and query statements. For query statements, which can be extremely specific and detailed, you can call up a Query Help that explains the query syntax and provides a comprehensive list of job properties, job types, and other building blocks for your query statement.

  • For information, see Using the Advanced Search.