Release Notes 6.4.4

This topic provides information about the new features and enhancements, bug fixes, and database changes that have been implemented in Automation Analytics & Intelligence 6.4.4 and higher:

New Web Interface

A number of new functions are released with the web interface, including the following:


  • An Automic Automation task (for example, a job, workflow, and so on) can have a Status Dependency condition on an upstream task. When that Status Dependency is set as blank or empty, the task is able to run even if the predecessor task ended with a non-Success status. AAI has been updated to more accurately predict this situation and reduce the number of false alerts caused by incorrectly identifying a failure root cause in these scenarios.

  • The ability to define SNMP configuration settings through the command line (no longer requires a windowing environment).

  • The ability to define SMTP configuration settings through the command line (no longer requires a windowing environment).

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue that resulted in some historical jobstream runs to not load in the Analysis tab for some users. The Java console logging on the client side showed a StackOverflowError.

    Associated ticket: DE532584

  • Updated AAI to handle additional time zones from the AutoSys scheduler.

    Associated Ticket: DE535070

  • Added better control and support for the handling of non-English characters within AAI when processing scheduler job details. The following parameters have been added and are modifiable through the AAI Configuration Tool:

    • jobPropertyNormalizeAccentCharacters

    • jobPropertyAcceptedCharsetCodeblocks

    • jobPropertyValidateCharsetInConverter

    • jobPropertyValidateCharsetInRestApi

    This allows customers more flexibility in determining how non-English characters should be handled by the AAI Converter and the AAI REST API. For more information, see Configuration Tool - Params Tab.

    Associated Ticket: DE535718

  • Resolved an issue that prevented long running reports from being canceled by a user through the Report Queue in the AAI Reporting panel.

    Associated Tickets: DE542325, DE544155

  • Properly removed jobs deleted in a scheduler from any jobstreams in AAI where those jobs were included in the list of trimmed jobs.

    Associated Ticket: DE542536

  • Added stack-trace-on-error="none" to the JBoss standalone.xmlfile to eliminate a potential security vulnerability (CP-21743549).

    Associated Ticket: DE545244

  • Removed the messaging-activemq subsystem from the JBoss domain.xml file to eliminate a potential security vulnerability (CP-21743555).

    Associated Ticket: DE545245

  • Fixed an issue that caused two Jobstream Complete alerts to be generated for a single jobstream run.

  • Added the jobstream.alertDefaultTimezoneFromServer server parameter to allow changing the default time zone used in alerts from the Scheduler time zone to the AAI Server time zone. The time zone shown in the Alert Criteria panel of the Add/Edit Jobstream panel lets you see whether the time zone is Scheduler, AAI Server or User Supplied.

    Associated Ticket: DE547620


  • Added support to properly display the AutoSys R12.1 Schema in Admin > Schedulers.

    Associated Ticket: DE545113

  • Fixed an AAI AutoSys Converter failure (job definitions) for AutoSys R12 schedulers that resulted from job definitions in the AutoSys database having the has_service_desk attribute set to null.

    Associated Ticket: DE551112

AutoSys/CA7 Cross-Instance

Fixed a bug that resulted in an AssertionFailure in the JobStreamRunBuilder while trying to associate new job runs to a jobstream run in AutoSys/ CA7 cross-scheduler environments.

Associated Ticket: DE542403


  • Fixed a bug that prevented an AAIeEM domain user with appropriate permissions from accessing the Admin > Schedulers > View Log option for any scheduler.

    Associated Ticket: DE543084

  • Fixed an issue that prevented eEM Domain users from running reports from the Reporting panel of the AAI graphical user interface.

  • Removed a duplicate Simple Simulation policy created while setting up an AAI / eEM integration using the jawsCreate.xml with safex and updated the Automation Analytics & Intelligence App Name to AAI for new eEM integrations. Existing AAI / eEM integrations retain the old JAWS App Name.


  • Fixed a bug that resulted in a NullPointerException in the TidalPredictedJobStreamRunBuilderImpl while trying to associate new job runs to Tidal jobstream run.

    Associated Ticket: DE542387

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Gantt chart of Tidal in-progress jobstream run from properly displaying predecessor job runs after a downstream job is put on hold.

    Associated Ticket: DE547043

Database Schema Upgrade Summary from 6.4.3

There are no schema changes from 6.4.3.

Automic Connector 3.1.0


This version of the Automic Connector includes the following enhancements:

  • Added shell script to simplify and provide a more consistent user experience for Linux installation, upgrade, and uninstallation.

  • This version of the Automic Connector is updated to support configuring the log location as well as the rotation and retention of log files based on the file size.